Growing wild in the park

We were very pleased to receive our seeds from Kew Garden’s Grow Wild project in the post. They came in a lovely box, with details of the types of seeds and instructions on how to plant them, and, as an added bonus, a make-your-own bee house!

We set to work planting them in the park on a cold but sunny day – first we had to prepare the ground, by getting rid of the weeds and grass and raking it over:

Then we mixed our seeds with sand and then with the help of my very excited son, we spread them over the patch:


And after a final rake, we now just have to wait for them to grow. We’ll be out watering them over the next few weeks, keep an eye out for us!

Unfortunately our bid for funding for Grow Wild wasn’t succesful this year, but we still want to introduce more wild plants and flowers in the park, so we’ll keep trying.

And finally, a bee house in action!

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